Mamiya RZ 67 Kit

Mamiya RZ 67 medium format film kit. With 90mm lens, 6x7 film back, prism finder and light meter.

$50 per day / $200 per week

James Bugg
Contax G1 Kit

Contax G1 Kit. With 45mm lens, 28mm lens and TLA200 flash.

$35 per day / $150 per week

James Bugg
Nizo Speziel 148 - Super 8 camera

Nizo Speziel 148 - Super 8 camera

$40 per day / $160 per week

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James Bugg
Canon eos 1-n - 35mm film camera

Canon eos 1-n - 35mm film camera

$25 per day / S100 per week

James Bugg
Canon lenses

50mm f1.2 / 35mm f1.4 / 24-105 f4 / 16-35 f2.8

$50 per day each

James Bugg
Canon 5d Mark 3

Canon 5d Mark 3, with spare battery and charger

$75 per day

James Bugg